1·So what is my answer to the provocative question that I took as my title? Do we still have universal values?
2·Dan Lyons raises a provocative question in his latest Newsweek article: is Silicon Valley still solving hard problems?
3·Some speaking specialists suggest opening with a provocative question, or a recent news event that relates to your topic.
4·The most provocative question during Mr Moynihan's presentation this week was whether he would put Countrywide into bankruptcy.
5·The most provocative question during Mr Moynihan’s presentation this week was whether he would put Countrywide into bankruptcy.
6·Some speaking specialists suggest opening with a provocative question, a snappy anecdote, or a recent news event that relates to your topic.
7·He asks a provocative question: Why should a university student be restricted to learning from the professors at the university he or she is attending.
8·That is the provocative question posed by an outsider SLATE of candidates running for the Board of Overseers at Harvard, which helps set strategy for the university.
9·These stories are tabloid fodder, but they also raise a provocative question. When a marriage is clearly on the skids, is it better to fold or fight for a future together?
10·Without question, however, these versatile artists have produced some of the most provocative sculpture to have been produced in China in the last decade.